Accountancy Professional Bodies run certification examinations for their members. Many make use of e-assessment and offer their services globally. The certifications offered are high stakes and high-level (often degree and postgraduate level qualifications), and the international profession demands the highest standards in the operation of examinations and certification.
AlphaPlus provides on-demand support for all the certification bodies shown above. Examples of some of our previous work with these bodies include:
- A review of the Association of International Accountants (AIA)’s qualifications with commentary on issues relevant to its transformation to e-assessment.
- Training for the Certified Public Accountants Association on writing objective test specifications and higher order objective tests for their level 4 qualifications.
- Support for the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants’ end point assessment.
- Producing a short report for the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy setting out recommendations and next steps in that Institute’s business of running high quality international professional certifications with a high contribution from technology.
- Working with the US psychometric consultancy Mountain Measurement Inc., and with the English assessment consultant, Chris Wheadon, to write a report on necessary changes to ensure equivalency and security of test outcomes for ACCA. ACCA accepted our advice to use the Rasch model of IRT for its multiple-choice test questions and equi-percentile equating for longer assessment tasks.
- Advice and support for the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England & Wales (ICAEW) to ensure that the new on-screen versions of their longer essay-based assessments for trainee accountants were comparable to the on-paper assessments.
Our role
- Providing a range of services to a number of global certification bodies in accounting.
- Supporting their examination services with expert on-demand support.