Case Studies Assessment Training for Awarding Organisations & Training Providers

Professional Global Assessment Delivery


AlphaPlus has been delivering assessment-related training to awarding organisations since 2006. Our programmes are typically bespoke courses, customised to meet individual requirements and delivered on site to awarding organisation staff, with an emphasis on workshop and practical activity.

Our role

Providing bespoke assessment related training for awarding organisations and their staff on topics such as:

  • General assessment theory
  • Objective assessment design
  • Item writing
  • Assessment statistics
  • Item response theory
  • Validity

Selected Training Projects

  • Providing CPD on behalf of the Education and Training Foundation to middle managers on leading and managing change for T Levels.
  • Delivering two skills training packages in Guyana in collaboration with Grademaker on working with data and assessing higher order skills.
  • Training the Singapore Ministry of Education in authoring innovative on-screen items to engage less academic students and enable them to demonstrate their science capability.
  • Training the AIM Awards team in basic education statistics for vocational qualifications, including relevant assessment theory; general descriptive statistics; four basic analyses of classical test theory; and approaches to standard setting in vocational assessment.
  • Training the Higher Education Qualification team of BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, to write extended scenario-based questions and mark schemes.
  • Training staff from SOLAS (Ireland’s further education and skills agency) to develop assessments for the Irish Apprenticeship Programmes, focussing on objective assessment design, assessing higher order skills and thinking using objective questions, and delivering these questions onscreen for candidates.
  • Providing onsite training for around 20 NCFE staff in the Principles of Assessment.
  • Providing training on multiple choice questions for University of Cardiff Pharmacy.
  • Running a training event for providers on the Professional Taxation Technician Apprenticeship end point assessment.