Case Studies Developing Qualifications for Colleges of Excellence Saudi Arabia

Vocational Middle East Qualifications and Standards


Colleges of Excellence, working with the Saudi Ministry of Labor has taken a lead role in reforming TVET education in Saudi Arabia, including establishing many new further education colleges.

Colleges of Excellence came to City & Guilds and AlphaPlus with a request to develop a flagship induction programme for young people to access employment in healthcare settings.


We worked with the Colleges of Excellence team to specify and develop a high-quality programme of learning covering:

  • Medical Terminology
  • Ethics and Customer Services for Health Care Providers
  • Quality and Patient Safety
  • Employability Skills for the Health Care Sector

Although the task was initially to develop the structure of the qualification, the project expanded to include development of learning resources.

AlphaPlus developed the unit and assessment plan, comprising knowledge-based questions and practical tasks, as well as a teacher guide and a set of slides and teacher notes to accompany the delivery of each unit to ensure consistency of delivery across all learner groups and training providers.

Our work involved development of:

  • Qualification & curriculum specifications
  • Learning outcomes
  • Scheme of work
  • Lesson plans for teachers
  • Media-rich slide packs for teachers to use in lessons
  • Workbook and worksheets for students
  • Multiple choice knowledge tests
  • Practical skills tests

Bespoke services

We based this programme on international good practice in healthcare induction, but tailored for compatibility with Islamic values and working practices in Saudi Arabia’s healthcare systems.

We also made sure that the learning materials (delivered in English) were suitable for learners who may have low levels of English language skill (CEFR A2). From start to finish, we delivered the whole programme in under 3 months, and the learning programme is now in use successfully in Saudi Arabia.

Our role

  • Developing qualifications, assessments & learning resources for young people to access employment in healthcare.
  • Developing 100 learning hours covering four main units (slide packs, lesson plans, student workbooks, knowledge & skills assessments, schemes of work).