Case Studies Support for the Learning Achievement in Rwandan Schools Project (LARS) for the Rwandan Education Board

Schools Global Assessment Delivery


The Learning Achievement in Rwandan Schools (LARS) is an educational assessment that aims to study the state of “learning” in literacy and numeracy in selected grades in primary schools in Rwanda. It is a tool developed by the Rwanda Education Board to monitor the quality and equity of learning in the primary schooling system. The first LARS (LARS I) took place in 2011. AlphaPlus undertook the statistical analysis and reporting for LARS3 (2017).

What we did

We worked to develop Assessments Standards for primary and secondary teachers and pupils in Rwanda. It involves drafting the standards, confirming them in stakeholder meetings, and then training trainers in how to use them. These trainers then disseminate the standards to all teachers in Rwanda.

The Curriculum for Sustainable Development: Dignity and National Identity (2015) outlines what must happen in schools and classrooms. Competency-based statements of performance standards are also in place (in draft form) at the checkpoint grades (PP, P3, P6, S3, S6), as is an overall policy in relation to assessment of students. The purpose of this project is to:

  1. Articulate expected performance for the intermediate grades/school years, ensuring that these performance standards, the checkpoint standards and the national curriculum content are aligned and coherent.
  2. Produce a guide to how assessment will be undertaken.
  3. Validate (1) and (2) with key stakeholders through. consultation and workshop activities.
  4. Develop a training programme and training resources for (1) and (2) for delivery to Rwanda’s teacher community.
  5. Support the training of trainers in the delivery of (4)

Our role

  • Statistical analysis and reporting
  • Drafting assessment standards
  • Meeting with stakeholders
  • Training teachers to use the new standards.