Adam Hussain

At AlphaPlus we have extensive experience of designing and developing OSCEs across a range of clinical and healthcare contexts. In this article, Assessment Manager Gemma O’Brien discusses some of the Designing effective Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs)

Heather Venis, AlphaPlus’ Senior Project Manager (Qualifications), gives practical guidance for awarding organisations looking to develop a qualification. What’s in a qualification? When embarking on a qualification project, one of Should my learning programme be a qualification?

1.  Introduction Training is crucial in many education and assessment organisations: AQA AlphaPlus is recognised as a leading provider of training related to assessment, e-assessment and associated processes. We have delivered Empowering Educators: Effective Assessment Training for Staff

What is the International Early Learning Study? The International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study (IELS) is an international survey that assesses children at age 5 who attend Early Childhood Understanding the development of empathy in childhood

Great Place To Work

December 5, 2023

AlphaPlus is proud to announce that we have now gained the Great Place To Work Certification™. Great Place to Work® is the global authority on workplace culture. They help organisations quantify their culture and Great Place To Work

Dave Mellor, AlphaPlus’ Director of Assessment shares his thoughts on the challenges of closing the virtuous circle of teaching, learning and formative assessment. When teachers plan their lessons, they set The challenges of closing the virtuous circle of teaching, learning and formative assessment

Unconscious bias: a prejudice or stereotype individuals hold about certain groups of people that they aren’t consciously aware of having. We are all guilty of it. Born with a predisposition Key lessons from an evaluation exploring unconscious bias

AlphaPlus is delighted to announce that we are working with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to deliver the International Early Learning Child Well-being Study in England on Department for Education – International Early Learning Child Well-being Study

John Winkley Director of Business Development shares his thoughts about on-screen formative assessments. Formative assessment is the process used by a teacher or learner to review and check learning, with What are on-screen formative assessments?

Professional standards and national assessments Professional standards set out the skills, knowledge and behaviours that represent technical and ethical competence for a profession and support professional growth. Professional standards can: Challenges Facing Professional Organisations

Hannah Rowe and Priya Dutta, Assessment Managers at AlphaPlus, talk about their experience working with the Department for Education on the National Assessment Accreditation System (NAAS). Background AlphaPlus worked with Developing assessments for the National Assessment and Accreditation System (NAAS)

Ben Rockliffe, AlphaPlus’s Deputy Director of Assessment explains how to ensure assessment content is inclusive of culture, equality and diversity. As an international education services company specialising in assessment, AlphaPlus Culture, equality and diversity within assessment content

AlphaPlus has been acquired by AQA, the UK’s leading assessment organisation. AQA is the UK’s biggest exam board, setting and marking around half the GCSEs and A-levels taken in England AlphaPlus acquisition – press release

No matter who is sitting an assessment – whether they are learners in a school or candidates for a professional assessment – it is crucial that inclusion and accessibility have Inclusion & accessibility in assessment design

AlphaPlus has been working on behalf of the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) to improve the quality of mentoring in the FE and training sector through the designing and delivering Mentoring in the FE & training sector

Demand for remote invigilation (or remote proctoring – the two terms are used interchangeably) has grown significantly during the current pandemic, as awarding organisations (AOs) have been forced to find new solutions Remote invigilation – lessons learned during the pandemic

Sarah Maughan has stepped down as Director of Assessment after almost seven years at AlphaPlus. Below, she shares some of her thoughts about her time here. At the end of April I Sarah Maughan: My time at AlphaPlus

STEM yng Ngogledd Cymru

January 13, 2021

Gerallt Hughes, Cydlynydd Treialon AlphaPlus sy’n rhannu mewnwelediad ynglyn â STEM ac addysg STEM yng Ngogledd Cymru. Drwy gael y cyfle i wneud cryn dipyn o waith ymchwil i bynciau STEM yng Ngogledd Cymru

STEM in North Wales

November 7, 2020

Gerallt Hughes, Trials Co-ordinator at AlphaPlus, shares some insight into STEM and STEM education in North Wales. Having recently done some extensive research into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) in STEM in North Wales

It has been almost 8 months since schools first shut to limit the spread of coronavirus. As well as all of the obvious disruptions, Covid-19 has had a massive impact Covid-19: what we’ve learnt running trials in a pandemic